We are raising a guide dog puppy-he's getting close to 5 months old now. When we take Piper places he and we get a lot of attention. He has his work vest on when he's out in public and people ask to pet him, ask how old he is and tell us about their dogs. The kids and I enjoy this. Every so often people ask if he gets to be a puppy with a look on their face like they feel sorry for him. We got this question from a sales lady yesterday at JoAnn Fabrics. I don't blame people for asking this. I used to feel sorry for adult guide dogs, too. I was happy for their owners, though.
The other day at HS gym class my almost 11 yr old dd didn't want to play. She wanted to sit in the nursery with her friend, Erica and knit(Hannah knows how and I don't!). The two of them decided on their own that they would take the toddlers(2) in there with them and watch them. So, Hannah took Susanna with her. It was wonderful-I got to sit and chat with other moms on the side of the gym-what a luxury! One of the moms asked me (I was surprised to get this question from another HS mom) since Hannah seemed so mature, if she acted like a kid, too, and how important it is that kids be allowed to act like kids.
Well, Piper(and other guide dogs) only works when his vest is on. When that vest is off it's puppy time! The vest isn't on at home unless we're taking him for a walk for leash work.
So, he plays a lot-with us, with our 2 shepherds, with toys, etc. He loves chasing and catching leaves and he likes to get on the trampoline, too.
He is a very affectionate, silly puppy. He & Susanna are best buddies. He's not hurting her in the pic, by the way. He has a very soft mouth. My dh says he'd make a good duck hunting dog. He actually picks up chicken eggs he finds outside and carries them around without breaking them!
We do stop him when he grabs the kids, though-he's not supposed to, but he's still learning!
He is also best buddies with our 3 yr old German Shephard, Freya. Our older dog doesn't play much, but he finally tolerates him now. Piper plays outside with Freya a lot, he follows Jonah around in the woods, he rides in the 4-wheeler wagon. Here's Freya near Piper-they followed the kids to the horse pasture.
Piper & Freya get into some extremely loud wrestling matches. When they're done (if I don't kick them outside), I have to fix the living room rug and put the couches back where they belong. Susanna has to stay on the couch during this to keep from getting knocked over.
When he's not playing, he loves lounging or sleeping especially with Susanna's bee(baby) and her din(blanket). Isn't this adorable??
So, yes, he does get to be a puppy. I wish I had a pic of him in his vest at this age-he looks so handsome and professional! I'll have to get one and post it another time.
Hannah will be 11 in December. She looks more like 13 or 14, though. And she does act like a mature young lady, but she also acts like a silly girl, too-which I love! She's in that in-between stage. Sometimes she acts older than me and sometimes she acts younger than Susanna! It's very confusing for both of us sometimes! LOL
I have a lot of thoughts on kids acting mature, capable and responsible, but not much more time to verbalize it clearly. I think it's good and I do notice it more with HS'd kids than with PS kids, generally speaking.
We've been reading about the Revolutionary war and young boys-12, 13 & 14 yrs old fought in it.
I think that's so sad, but why is it now that it's not "healthy" for kids to act mature and to work with the family or be responsible participators in the community?
Anyway, my silly dd always crosses her eyes when I take a pic of her, but here is one with her on the floor playing with the "2 toddlers" in our house:
She's filthy from riding the horses.
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