Friday, May 7, 2010

10/3/06 Home Happenings

Over the last couple days we've done lots of firewood. We also took the bull back to his owner and got our beef cows back in the lower pasture with the horses.

Jonah(8) has taken to splitting wood with an axe. He asked Pat to show him how. He spent 3 hours Saturday afternoon doing it and accumulated a small pile of split wood. He is so proud of himself and feels like he's helping Dad who has so much to do.

Sunday was Susanna's birthday-she's 2!! Two years ago I bought a wooden birthday cake set from Hearthsong at 50% off, so she & I played with it by ourselves. She was so cute cutting the cake pieces, inserting candles in the holes and pouring tea.

Sunday we went to Hollenbeck's Cider Mill with friends of ours. We go there every year to watch the old press make cider, buy home-made warm donuts, fresh cider and apples. Jonah surprised everyone by bying fudge for all of us with his money.

Pat's parents came for dinner and brought an ice cream cake. Susanna had so much fun blowing out the candles, that we relit them seveal times so she could do it over and over.

Monday Pat didn't ahve to work, so it was more firewood. Pat also went trail-riding with the kids. My girls and I made an apple pie together-I have lots of wonderful pictures in my head of the 3 of us preparing apples in the sink. Susanna stood on a chair and liked turning the crank of the apple peeler. Hannah mixed up the apples and made the crumb topping and I made the bottom crust.

I went for a walk with my friend, Chris, in the afternoon and that was nice. After we had dinner, we took a drive around the countryside to check out the beautiful Autumn foliage. This is my favorite season!

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