I had a bad dream. I woke up last night thinking my dh was going to kill me because in my dream I had late fees at the library that totalled $75.00!!
This morning I went to my library account online to check and I owe 13 dollars. I could just kick myself. I think the problem is I order books thru internet library loan and they never all come in at the same time, so I have several different due dates to keep track of-and I don't keep track of it very well. Arghhhh.
Here's Susanna helping me make french toast this morning. She follows me constantly now saying, "help you, mom! help you!"
I love having her help and she does pretty well (unlike Jonah at that age), but sometimes, I feel like I'm a secret agent in a "mission impossible" assignment -trying to make or do something undetected just so I can get it done quickly. LOL
We got more snow the other day-about 7 inches, but with the wind, the drifts in our driveway went over the truck. We all rode with Pat while he plowed our driveway, a neighbor's and then for a friend that lives 15 mins away. We ended up being in the truck for about 2 hours. But, it was fun talking. Pat is my captive audience when we're in a vehicle-LOL. It was fun talking about current events and our plans for the Spring and camping trips for the summer.
Even though we are buried in white and it's 20 below zero with wind chill factor, I am dreaming of getting into my garden. I am so itching to plant things again and see how my garlic & asparagus is. I have new goals for this planting season. I need to re-do my compost bin as the old one was left in the new cow pasture-and they demolished it.
I want to replant raspberry bushes for the same reason-they were in the area we had to use to enlarge the cow pasture.
My mil has raspberry shoots for me every year.
Another friend has rhubarb that we can have so I need to plant a new rhubarb bed (the old one was also in that cow area)
Our big goal is to line the side of the driveway with apple & pear trees. I don't know much about fruit trees, but will have to learn.
I think we're also getting 6 new chicks, too. A friend is ordering chicks and will add my order onto hers. I think we'll get 3 more barred rocks and 3 more buff orpingtons. We've decided not to butcher roosters this year much to my relief.
I don't know if we're going to be able to do our own maple syrup this Spring. The wood stove we use to boil the sap has a cracked door. I hope we can(and we'll have to decide very soon), because boiling sap make me feel like Spring is just around the corner. Plus, the kids & I love checking the buckets for sap and it's fun sitting around the stove chatting while it boils.
We're also planning to put in a big pond this Spring. My dh is going to demo a track-ho for a friend of his that owns a lumber company and we can demo it here, so we can dig the pond for free! ( My dh used to be a heavy equipment operator)
Ahh....Spring Dreams.
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