Friday, May 7, 2010

8/26/06 Two Kinds of Lists

This has been a long week-my mind feels like it is on overload. The week started out by us finding out about something done by a friend of ours that was very hurtful to us. My dh had to confront this person. We have felt the Lord's hand on us thru this thing.

My youngest brother is coming to stay with us for about a year (he'll be here around Christmas) and I had to get a bunch of paperwork done for him this week and mailed out. This development has come about by much heartache & prayer over details I can't discuss here. I love my brother dearly and I pray this will be a good thing for him.

My FIL's bronchoscopy went well and the doctor said the sample they took looked less ominous than they originally thought-we should have the results by tomorrow as to whether his prostate or esophageal cancer metastisized or not.

My dh has worked less overtime this week than usual, so he has been able to get a bunch of wood urethaned so he can build me some desperately needed book shelves. Yeah! And it's been nice to eat dinner together 3 nights in a row. I almost forgot how to have nice dinners put together for us all.

I've been doing a lot of baking-my zucchini patch has turned out an incredible amount of zucchini and I can't keep up with it all! I'm giving it away, baking muffins, bread, sauteeing it, making zucchini lasagna & quiches and now I am working on canning it as mock pineapple. I'm also up to my eyeballs in cucumbers, greenbeans, swiss chard & tomatoes-I'm counting my blessings!!

Our young chickens finally started laying eggs! Just in time as our old chickens are moulting and laying nothing. The new chicken eggs are so cute-some of them are tiny:

Our guide dog puppy (Piper) is a sweetie, but he isn't getting house-training too quickly. I feel like I've got 2 toddlers with him(11 weeks) & Susanna (22 months). If one's not getting into something, the other one is or they are getting into trouble together. LOL. He's doing much better on the leash,though. And, he will sit & stay before we say it's ok to eat his food. We took him to the vet this morning for shots and a check-up. The vet says he is too fat, so we've cut his food back.

Hannah (10) has had 2 of her friends here for the last 3 days-they've all been working on training our horses and they're going to have a mock horse show next week. They're doing a great job, but we've only been able to get seatwork done-not Konos. So, I told them no horse-training today or tomorrow unless Hannah & Jonah do it themselves after all schoolwork is done.

I've also been working on organizing our HS room-it is a mess. I'm especially trying to get the top shelf in neat containers that are labeled for activities for Susanna to do while we do school. I've been getting ideas from preschool & Montessori websites.
I made some good progress in there.
I also organized my fabric and got all the scraps into a box with a top. My sewing table looks much better now-no longer like a volcano about to erupt. LOL
I think that's it!

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