This week has been pretty uneventful. I wasn't feeling good for a couple days. We did manage to get most of our schoolwork done, though. School actually went pretty well.
The house doesn't look too good, though. LOL
The other night I woke up at midnight alert and wide-eyed. I wasn't even dreaming, but I woke up feeling panicked. The school year is more than half over and we haven't done as much as I planned for us to do.
For one thing, it is taking us forever to do the American Revolution unit-mostly because we are loving the topic so much. And because the book list to read is quite extensive and many of the books are long and my voice gets hoarse from reading out loud. I have Hannah take turns with me.
But, also it seems life gets in the way and my planning isn't always the best, nor my diligence in sticking to the plan.
So, I feel like I need to kick things up a notch.
In other news:
Jonah has taken up coin collecting. One of his uncles is into it big time and has given Jonah some coins and even dollar bills. Yesterday, Jonah ransacked the coin jar looking for as many coins from different states as he could. He found quite a bit and I even had a dollar coin with Sacagawea on it.
His looking for coins turned into a bit of history review. The Sacagawea coin got them talking about Lewis & Clark, the North Carolina coin got him all worked up about the Wright brothers and the kids remembered when we did the flight & airplane unit(about 4 yrs ago). It was so funny to see how excited and animated he got. His eyes get amazingly large. LOL
And then he started yelling when he found the New Jersey coin. "MOM!! They have a picture of the Continental Army crossing the Delaware river into Trenton!!!" (actually, they crossed the river, then marched 9 miles to get to Trenton)
I looked at it and asked him how he knew what river and city it was. He said because it was Continental soldiers crossing a river and Trenton is in New Jersey. LOL I thought that was pretty good reasoning.
Here's a pic of him on a snowbank wearing his camo coveralls about to snowboard down.
Hannah this week has been into painting beautiful backgrounds on poster boards because she and a friend of hers are having some kind of American Girl doll Gala.
I've also been having her cook more, much to her pleasure.
I want to get a blank recipe book and as she cooks new things, put the recipes in it for her to keep.
This week she has made banana-blueberry muffins, ginger bars, porcupine meatballs with sauce (it's beef) and quesadillas.
Susanna has been her usual silly, affectionate, dancing, naked self. Her new thing is that she loves to tickle people so they will tickle her back. She likes to play "timber" with Pat now, too. He holds her hands, she climbs up his body and when she says "timby!" he lets her fall backwards and catches her. He's usually sitting when he does this, but sometimes he stands-which makes me a nervous wreck and I can't watch.
I love it that she so snuggly and often tells me, "love you,mom."
Here's a pic of her having her first ride on a carousel: Hannah is standing next to her.
She has become quite the playdoh girl. I can barely keep her in playdoh-she goes thru it so fast.
Yesterday, Hannah showed her how to make balls. Susanna spent the day carrying around a dog dish full of playdoh balls and treating them like they were babies. She'd gently pick one up, saying it was cute, then kiss it and put it gently back. It was so funny.
She does the same thing with playdoh snakes, but to see her carrying around a dog dish of playdoh balls all day was just too hysterical.
Today the kids had gym class-which I love! I have so much fun visiting with the other moms. It turns out that on March 22 there's going to be Mother's Night out with a speaker or movie or something, tea, coffee and desserts. I think it sounds like fun and am looking forward to it.
Hannah found a home movie of her and Jonah when she was almost 3 and he was 8 months old. Oh my goodness-I laughed and cried. It was so sweet and heart-breaking at the same time. I know that doesn't make any sense. But, as I was watching Jonah trying to crawl and grab toys on the movie, I just longed to pick up that little baby boy. But, he's almost 9 now. And Hannah is 11. It was so funny watching her on the movie-she was a wild, sassy little thing-I don't remember that so much-I mostly remember her sweet, helpful self. I finally had to stop watching the movie-I was crying too much and getting all stuffed up. Isn't that wierd? I'm so glad Susanna is still little enough to pick up and carry around.
I feel so torn-I don't want my days of having babies to be done, but on the other hand, I don't want to be pregnant again. But, I'm almost 37 and I feel like time is running out and that we need to decide soon what to do. My dh isn't sure about having another one-and I'm not either. But, some days I long for it so much. And other days I remember how hard it was to get school done when Susanna was 4-18 months. I know we need to pray about it more.
Tomorrow Hannah is going to be gone all day. She is going to my MIL's to help out. It was her idea as she felt that with Bumpa being so sick, Grammy could use help with dusting, vacuuming and laundry. My FIL's prostate cancer has come back and migrated somewhere else and he has aspiration pneumonia.
Well, I need to go. Hannah wants to make her banana blueberry muffins with her friend Danielle to take to Grammy's house tomorrow and she can't find the recipe.
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