This week has been so crazy and all the circumstances have made me feel discombobulated.
I have stumbled through the week mostly until I remembered to pray for help. I don't know why I never learn to pray first. I alway struggle & flounder around first, then pray. Pretty backwards, huh?
So, I'm reaching a calmness-circumstances haven't changed, there are more things on my to do list than before-but my Lord is a rock, never-changing, always there.
I have a praise report-my FIL does not have lung cancer!! Praise God!
So, this week we did get lots of schooling done. We finished up our Action-Reaction Unit in Konos. Their favorite part was making a vinegar-baking soda bottle rocket. The neat thing is that the baking soda was wrapped up in a piece of paper towel, so it didn't happen right away and they thought it wasn't working until WHAM-the cork shot up high in the air.
They did it over and over while I hung the laundry. Once, the cork hit me in the side of the head. LOL They used up a half-gallon of vinegar and most of my baking soda.
Praise the Lord, the puppy seems to finally be getting the hang of potty training. Today is the first day without an accident.
A really neat thing this week is that our librarian asked us if we might like to put together a presentation about the puppy for story hour for the 4 & 5 yr olds. I talked to the kids about it and they want to do it. So, when he is a little older, we will do this and tell all about our guide dog puppy. This will be a great opportunity to do public speaking-I am so excited!
We watched a movie yesterday called "Not Just PuppyLove" that was about a family that raised a guide dog puppy and then the struggle they all went thru when they had to give the dog back. I am already realizing it will be heart-wrenching for us. We are totally in love with him already. He is also Susanna's constant companion and she calls him "my doga." This is the first time she has claimed ownership of something other than her baby, pillow & blanket. I am teary-eyed just thinking about his departure, but we are trying to focus everyday-this is someone else's dog-a blind person's dog.
I got 3 bushels of tomatoes canned this week-which made 40 jars of crushed tomatoes. Oh, the kitchen has smelled wonderful!!
After the smell of tomatoes was gone, a decided aroma of dog was detected. With 3 dogs in this house now(and rain the last 3 days), it doesn't bode well for the nice fresh breezy smell I prefer. So, I've been washing floors, but the thing that has helped the most is to mix baking soda with a few drops of lavendar oil-then sprinkle all over the living room & laundry room rugs and let sit for a bit. Then vacuum. Much better!
Here's a pic of Piper on Susanna's "boo." My dd(10) made this pillow for me to nurse Susanna with almost 2 yrs ago. Susanna gets it every time she wants to nurse along with her "din"(blanket) and her "bee"(baby). She has never let anyone use her boo to put their head on. But, she lets Piper use it and he loves it and gets himself in some really cute sleeping positions with it.
Today, I treated myself to ordering The Old SchoolHouse magazine. I have wanted it for a long time and I am excited to get it and the 19 free gifts, too!
Also, my dh surprised me and ordered me a glass butter churn with a crank handle on top. We have been shaking our cream in jars and that's been a real pain and it takes forever.
So, it came in today & we are all taking turns churning butter right now. Here's a pic of Susanna churning with it-the crank goes very easily.
I know there's more I wanted to journal about, but I can't remember it.
P.S. This was edited to add pics & a couple things I forgot to mention and remembered later.
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