"Why was there a pair of needle-nose pliers in the bathtub?" I didn't ask who because I know who it was-the boy. I don't understand why he had it in the bath with him last night, though.
When he was 4 and we were building this house Pat's roofing hammer was missing. Jonah told him the "toyotes took it!" (coyotes) He found it next Spring, gave it to his father and told him the coyotes brought it back. LOL
We didn't do school today. Pat was off from work because he is going back-packing for the next 4 days and wanted to have extra time with us before going. It was a very nice day. He did some errands this morning and took all the kids with him. I had almost 3 hours to myself! Usually I don't know what to do with myself, but this time I headed right to the garden and got a lot done.
For the rest of the day we just puttered around the house. Pat played catch with the kids, did some mowing and got some raw milk for me from our friend's farm.
I think I am going to try making yogurt. I've learned how to make cottage cheese, but have been nervous to try the yogurt.
Hannah's friend, Meaghan called and asked to come and play and she did. She is such a sweet girl.
So, Pat is gone now and I am missing him. He is going with one of my brothers to Maine. They are backpacking 15 miles/day I think. They try to go once or twice a year. But, I always worry and feel lonely.
I'll be busy, though, the next couple days. My friend Chris invited us to go to the zoo with them tomorrow. There is a new penguin exhibit that I'm looking forward to seeing. Susanna has never been to the zoo and I think she is going to love it.
Saturday we're going to my MIL's house to hang out. My MIL also offered to watch the kids for a bit so I could go shopping. She has a fantastic thrift store near her. I really need some clothes for myself. The kids are all set, but I am always wearing the same old stuff.
I've lost a few pounds, so it will be nice to get something new (to me).
I'm reading a very interesting book right called The Maker's Diet. It is really good and I'm wanting to change things drastically about our diets. I need to take it slow, though, as my dh doesn't like it when I mess around with his food-LOL.
He's come around a lot, though, over the years and is eating things he never thought he'd ever eat.
Well, need to think about getting Susanna to bed.
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