Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6/10/2006 Saturday

Today has been a busy day. Pat needed to help some friends tow a camper with his truck, so they met him here at 8am. Of course we'd been up for awhile. Jonah went with them. Pat told him he was going to need his help, so that made Jonah feel good!

Hannah & Danielle put together a play last night and decorated the whole loft-it was quite detailed with music and special lighting effects and lots of props. Susanna was an extra in the play and was pretty funny as she wanted to move all the props around. Jonah was the sound and lighting man. But, this morning there was a LOT to pick up. Plus animal chores.

I got the dishes done and some laundry. Pat keeps teasing me by calling the laundry hamper his dresser and the dryer his other dresser, so I really needed to do some folding! He calls the dishwasher the silverware drawer, too. LOL

I also got some organizing done with our school supplies. The counter was getting over-run with piles of books and projects. I never know what to do with all the miscellaneous papers!

When Pat & Jonah got back we all went to the butcher to pick up our cow. I wanted to go so we could talk in the truck on the way there. It's been hard to find time to talk this week.

It is a long drive and he thought the place closed at 1:00-in fact he had called the day before and was told they closed at 1:00. We got there at 12:15 and they were closed. That was kind of rough. Pat was upset, but just as we were about to pull out, the owner came from around the back and he was so kind to let us pick up out meat. We were so thankful. So now our freezer is full of beef. We raised this cow and it is so nice to know what is in it. It's always hard to bring them to the butcher, though.

On the way home we saw the biggest oak tree I've ever seen. It had to be 8ft in diameter or more. The kids were wondered if the tree had been standing during the revolutionary war. I do wonder how old it is!

When we got home Pat took a nap because he got home at 2:30am and had to go in to work for 4 hours this evening.

I put Susanna down for her nap and got fabric cut out and pinned for 4 cloth diapers I am making for a friend.

The kids played outside in the woods almost all afternoon. Danielle just went home a little while ago so now I have the kids to myself. I'm hoping they will settle down a bit so we can read a book aloud.

I also need to get to work on our quarterly reports for the school district, which I have not felt like doing at all.

I need to put together my Sunday School lesson for my class tomorrow, too. It's 1st and 2nd graders and I only have 2 weeks left with them. I've done this class for 4 yrs now and all year long I have been feeling like I needed to give it up. So, I finally let them know. I will miss the kids, but I know this is what I am supposed to do.

I see dog hair tumbleweeds floating across my floors (that I have been ignoring), so I better go and round them up before they carry away a kid.

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