Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Friday School 6/9/2006

Today has been an ok school day. This cloudy, dreary weather is really starting to get me down. I haven't felt very motivated.

We read our Bible and read a chapter on William & Catharine Booth our of our Hero Tales book. They were the founders of the Salvation Army and were amazing people! We really love learning about Christian heros.

Hannah did her Daily Grams, Easy Grammar, Handwriting and Math. She is loving our new handwriting program. It's called A Reason for Handwriting. In math today she learned how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. We prayed about it before attempting this new concept and it went so smoothly!

Jonah did his handwriting, ETC and math lesson. He started his 3rd grade math already because he couldn't wait-LOL. He loves it. We didn't do Simply Grammar today. He's getting stuck on verbs. I thought they would come easy for him because he could be the poster child for the entire "Verb Family." LOL I think he should take grammar slowly anyway.

They took a break and went outside to play for awhile. I read books to Susanna and got some laundry and dishes done. Hannah & Jonah found out that 2 baby robins in one of the nests they were watching had fallen out and died.

When they came back, they had lunch and listened to "Jonathan Park" on CD. We bought this at the convention and it is awesome!!

We all folded clothes while continueing to listen to the story.

Then, I rocked Susanna to sleep while reading The Hobbit to Jonah. He reads some and I read some. He is loving this book and I love watching his facial expressions.

We also did some reading in A Child's History of the World by Virgil Hillyer. We read about the Egyptians and the Babylonions. This book was a little confusing at first as it talked about evolution and God in the beginning. The kids kept stopping me to check what was really true and what was theory. Their background is creationism and young Earth teaching. Now, that we have gotten away from stone age and all that other stuff, the book is easier to understand. It's good that they heard this, though. Now they know where many of their friends are coming from.

We talked about Fibonacci #s again. We learned about this from Jonathan Park and made up a little 2 step dance to practise saying the #s.

Hannah has her friend, Danielle over for a sleepover now. They made a cake and frosted it to look like there is a pair of sunglasses on it. It turned out great! Jonah went to play with Ryan for a couple hours and now is back.

Jonah has had a very accident prone day today. He rode Bonnie before lunch and asked her to trot, but she cantered and he dropped the reins and was hanging onto her neck. He didn't fall, but got really scared. Then at Ryan's he fell off a scooter and he fell off a bike and landed with the handle bars in his ribs. He's a big scrape and bruise over his lowest left rib. It looks awful.

They're all outside playing in the woods now after having checked on all the animals. Slugger has some open bug bites on his shoulder we need to put ointment on. I think the chicks will need their lamps on tonight, too. It is cold outside!

Susanna is playing with her babies and watching a sign language video.

I need to go and pick up the kitchen.

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