Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wayward Baby Robins

This happened a few days ago, but I don't want to forget it, so here it is:

We've got 4 baby robin nests that the kids have been checking most mornings.

They've seen the nests being made, the eggs appearing, one nest they actually saw a robin hatching.
We've learned all about robins, but the kids seemed to forget they grow up fast and leave.
After they got their morning schoolwork done they went to check all the nests and for one nest, the baby birds were flying out and landing in the hayloft and then flying down to the ground (inside the horse shed).
So, Hannah & Jonah with gloves spent a good amount of time picking up the babies with gloves, climbing a ladder and putting them in the nest-only to have them fly out again and then they went thru the whole process to put them back in again.
I have no idea how many times they repeated this. LOL!!
They finally came to tell me this all tired out and frustrated that the babies would not stay in their nest.
Jonah said, "Mom, we had to take care of them. Their parents were no where around to look after them. I can't believe they left them alone to get hurt like that. What if a horse stepped on them!"
It was so cute the way he said that.
Hannah was mostly worried because 3 of them were flying out and one wasn't and it was all alone.

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