Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6/26/2006 Can I Be A Missionary?

"My views of what missionary duty are not so contracted as those whose ideal is a dumpy sort of man with a Bible under his arm. I have labored in bricks and mortar, at the forge and carpenter's bench, as well as in preaching and medical practice. I feel that I am not my own. I am serving Christ when shooting a buffalo for my men or taking an astronomical observation." ---David Livingstone

I read this quote at Vision Forum and the timing was perfect as we had just read about David Livingstone in Missionary Stories with the Millers.

What an amazing man of God.

I get so excited reading the stories in this book. And this quote fills me with hope. I have felt that being a mother is a missionary post, but had a small tinge of guilt for feeling that because I'm not really a missionary, am I? Well, I am not my own and I am trying serve the Lord with my whole heart in whatever I'm doing with His hand guiding me.

That makes me think more.

I can have two days exactly like, but the outcome is totally different and the deciding factor is what my focus is on. If my focus is on the Lord & His leading for the day, we have a joyful day, the kids and I feel connected, they've learned a lot and we've done a lot. I might not have gotten everything on the list done, but we got everything on God's list done (including all the interruptions). At the end of the day I feel blessed and thankful for my wonderful life.

If my focus is my to-do list, or my "feelings", the day usually goes badly, unless I can dig out of the mire and seek the Lord to redeem the day. Those days I never do re-focus are awful-impatience, raised voices, kids not happy, I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel spinning and getting nowhere. Feelings of failure and guilt abound instead of peace & blessings.

I wonder if missionaries have days like those? They're human, so they must.

So, can I fold laundry, encourage the children to love & bless each other amidst arguements, sweep floors, change diapers, help with math, read books out loud, do chores with the kids, care for the garden to help feed my family, make my dh a smoothie before he leaves for work and pack him a lunch and say I am working as a missionary for the cause of Christ? I do believe I can say that being a wife and mother is my mission if I am serving the Lord "heart-fully."

Dearest Lord, I am such a weak cracked vessel. I need your strength and grace and renewal of heart and mind for this mission field you've placed me in-not just daily, but EVERY minute! Please help me to have a continual attitude of prayer & thanksgiving. Lord, please forgive me when I don't rely on you, do things on my own strength and royally mess everything up. Please cover my mistakes with your grace for your perfect purpose. I'm so thankful YOU are in charge. Please remind me of that when I grab the reins. I'm afraid of where I might take us. I know I have nothing to fear when we're following you.

More of you and much much less of me! Amen

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