Friday, May 7, 2010

8/8/06 Not Beyond My Reach

I've been working on being more diligent, purposeful and consistent in our schoolwork. Sunday, my dh & I prayed about it, I printed out some planner pages, put them in a binder, and planned out Monday. Monday morning, I stuck to it and we got a TON of schoolwork done, including Bible & praying, cooking 3 meals, snacks, laundry, weeding in the garden, etc.

But by the end of the day, I was totally worn out. Plus, my dh didn't get home from work until 8pm.

Do you know that on the planner, I even wrote down "JOY" like it was something to do to check off? Instead of a real feeling & attitude!

I went to bed last night thinking, "How am I going to do this again tomorrow??"

I woke up this morning not really looking forward to the day. I sighed as each kid woke up, which isn't normal for me.

I forced myself to read my Bible, which I didn't feel like doing. Are you shaking your head yet? I am! LOL

I am so tired of being ruled by my feelings! I want to change, Lord!

I read Deuteronomy 30, which really spoke to me. Especially Deut 30:11. It says,

"Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach."

I tend to be a laid-back, spontaneous, unscheduled person and there's nothing wrong with that-in fact there's a lot of great things about it. But, I've been feeling convicted of being too laid-back and needing to make a schedule and stick to it.

So, this change isn't easy for me and as I've struggled with it, I sense the Lord telling me, "I didn't say homeschooling was going to be easy."

After reading Deut 30:11, I wrote it down and prayed again and repeated this verse to myself all day long.

The day has been wonderful so far-better than yesterday-more smooth, less hectic, but have gotten just as much schoolwork done in less time(done by lunch time). We've even had fun, laughed together and I played in the sandbox with Susanna.

Why, oh why, do I try to forge through a day by myself?? With God, the day is not too difficult nor beyond my reach.

Editing to add the rest of our day yesterday:

Hannah's friend from down the road came over-the kids all swam, played in the loft of the horse shed, went 4-wheeling. I made zucchini bread with Jonah's help. Then he and I went in search of blackberries while Susanna slept (the older girls were in the house) The farrier came and trimmed all the horses' feet. The funny thing is the farrier came and was down at the lower pasture and I didn't know it. The kids were already down there playing in the loft, so Hannah assisted him with holding the horses. Jonah came up after the first horse got done and asked me for the checkbook-LOL. That was my clue that something was up. So, I went down there with Susanna to help out and pay. Then we all went to the neighbor's house to pick apples off her tree for the cows & horses.

Pat pulled in the driveway while we were walking back to the house (it's long) at 8pm. We all shook our behinds at him, so he pressed his police horn at us and made us jump. LOL.

I love how God will redeem the day when I ask Him for help!

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